The Vortex
The Vortex

Welcome to The Vortex

Space for the full scope of living a big, juicy and full life


Welcome to the Vortex!

This space is the house for the energy of Impossibility that I serve, using Human Design as our playground to make magic from the inside out.

I tend this galactic playground with lots of love and reverence. It is a truly fun place, think The Faraway Tree mixed in with SheRa's Crystal Castle.

I ask that you treat this space with the respect you would in the physical realm.

With that said, mi casa es tu casa.  Please make yourself at home.

What is Inside

Inside Vortex you will find SPELLBOOK, a public library with teachings and transmissions based on Human Design from Rebecca.

There are also the private containers for STARDUST, FOXY, FRACTAL and UNLOCKED members.

It is in these containers that Permission is found and harnessed.

It is in these containers that Magic is explored and created.

It is in these containers that Creation is activated.

It is in these containers that the path to Highest Alignment is discovered and danced.
